
We value your commitment to improve our community and that’s why you will be rewarded with the following acomplishments.

  • Traveler

    You received this badge as soon as you created an account with Capetanos. The badge will be displayed on your profile page to let other users know about your passion for traveling.

  • Skipper

    You will receive this badge if you are a licensed captain and fill in the required information under Sailing experience on your profile.

  • Contributor

    Let other fellow seamen know about your experiences in the marinas you already visited. Your advice can be very helpful for others looking for a berth.

    This badge will be earned if you review at least 10 marinas.

  • Explorer

    We all love sailing.

    You will earn this badge after saving at least 10 marinas.

  • Community Pillar

    Invite at least 5 of your friends to create an account with Capetanos in order to become a pillar for our sailing community.