One of the first things you must pack are your documents. Among the mandatory boat documents, all crew members must have on them their ID’s and/or passports with valid visas, depending on the area you are sailing.
We prepared for you a guide with some of the items we consider essential to have with you on your next sailing adventure.
Safety and comfort
As long as you are safe and have the comfort you want, this will be for sure an amazing holiday.
In terms of safety, you should know that safety equipment onboard any vessel is required by law, so it’s mandatory also to know how to use it. Among the mandatory items we mention:
- Life Jackets
- Fire Extinguishers
- Horns
- Emergency Signal Flares
- First Aid Kit
Keep in mind that life jackets are mandatory for each person that’s on the boat and you should never set out on a sailing trip without one. Also, if you have kids onboard, they must always wear the life jackets when you are underway.

Sailing safe with kids onboard
capetanos.comIn terms of comfort onboard, we can only recommend what works for us, but hey, bringing with you anything else you consider will add more fun and relaxation to your holiday.
1. First aid kit
If you know that you have a medical condition, don’t forget to bring the medicine with you, and also inform the captain of the vessel where it can be found in case of need. Any vessel should have a first aid kit onboard, and you should know what it contains in case of need, and the captain should inform you about after checking in.
Speaking about medicine, don’t forget about sea sick, it’s very common at sea and can ruin your holiday. You can consult your doctor for the best options available, and if needed to prescribe you the most appropriate medicine.

First aid kit
capetanos.com2. Sunscreen and Bug Spray
Even on gloomy days, light reflected on the water can burn your skin, so keep the sun cream or spray close by and apply it regularly, and we guarantee it will make your sailing holiday more enjoyable.
We love sailing in warm weather but so do bugs and insects, so you will probably need also a supply of bug spray, just in case you need it.

Sunbathing on a Sailing Boat
capetanos.com3. Sunglasses and Hat
During summer months it can get very hot, and intensive exposure to UV rays could be harmful, so you should also consider protecting your head and eyes.

Crew wearing sunglasses
capetanos.com4. Comfortable shoes
The best recommendation is to wear the most comfortable shoes you have, or try to find some shoes specially designed for life on a vessel, waterproof, flat-soled and non-slippery.
During daytime, when the sun is up, be careful not to walk barefoot on the deck, because you can really get some bad burns on the boat’s flat surfaces.
If you are renting a boat or chartering one, you should also keep in mind that some owners prefer your shoes to have a white, flat sole, to protect the deck.

Comfortable deck shoes
capetanos.com5. Clothing
Summertime sailing means shorts and bathing suites, but this is only happening in good weather. Comfortable clothes will make the difference when is getting colder, raining or the wind is blowing really hard.
What you should have with you:
- Keep in mind that cotton clothing keeps the moisture in, so try wearing more synthetic clothes.
- You will also need a windproof jacket, mostly during the night or in bad weather.
- Instead of one thick sweater, you should consider having multiple layers, so you can adjust them according to the weather.
- If the weather might get really cold, consider also a hat, to keep your head warm.
- Gloves, if you are on a sailing boat or a catamaran, for a better grip on the lines and to avoid the hand burns.

Sailing clothes
capetanos.comFun on Boat
After packing the above mentioned, you should also think about the accessories you will need with you for a perfect vacation.
1. Camera
You will have lots of opportunities to capture breath-taking sunsets, picturesque landscapes and amazing sea life, so you should always have a camera with you. Even if you can record the best moments with your phone, a camera or an action camera will make a huge difference. Usually action cameras are waterproof, so you could always capture marine life or water sports without damaging the camera.
2. Phone case
Mobile phones tend to slip into the water and as you already know, they don’t like water, so you should think about protecting it with a waterproof case. Some of them have also the capability to float, so even if your phone will end up in water, you will be able to recover it.
3. Bring with you chargers and cables
All your electronics will need to be charged at some point, so don’t forget all needed chargers and power adapters, as they might differ from country to country. In some cases, it’s a great idea to also have some power banks with you, in case there aren't many plugs to cover all the needs. Some of the newer boats have already installed USB plugs in the most essential parts of the boat, so you won’t need a charger, but this thing is to be verified before you go, just to make sure you will return home with amazing memories.
4. Music
What's relaxation without your favourite music? Take some time before departure and create some playlists and upload them to an USB stick or on your phone. Many yachts have premium sound systems that support many connection ways, so you can have an amazing time at sea.

Fun and memories
capetanos.comThese are just a few essential things to consider before setting sail in your next adventure. Of course, your list will be much bigger, but one of the things that’s mandatory to bring with you is the holiday spirit!
Fair winds and create amazing memories.